Reading List

Core World

Noah’s Flood, Ryan and Pitman

The Bible as History, Keller

Babylon, Kriwaczek

Ancient Celts, Cunliffe

Persian Fire, Holland

A War Like No Other, Hanson

Alexander the Great, Freeman

The Beginnings of Rome, Cornell

The History of Rome, Livy

The Punic Wars, Goldsworthy

Caesar, Goldsworthy

The Roman Emperor Aurelian, White

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon

Attila the Hun, Hughes

Civilization of the Middle Ages, Cantor

Medieval Civilization, Le Goff

Charlemagne, Winston

Warriors of God, Reston

A Short History of Byzantium, Norwich

History of Venice, Norwich

The Discoverers, Boorstin

The Age of Genius, Grayling

The Medici, Strathern

The Enlightenment, Pagden

The Age of Revolution, Hobsbaum

The Age of Capital, Hobsbaum

The Age of Empire, Hobsbaum

Twelve Who Ruled, Palmer

The Silk Road, Liu

Central Asia in World History, Golden

Genghis Khan, Weatherford

India’s Ancient Past, Sharma

The End of Suffering, Mishra

Tao Te Ching, Mitchell

A Short History of the Chinese People, Goodrich

Confucius, McCarthur

The Golden Age of the Moors, Certina

Osman’s Dream, Finnel

History of the Arab Peoples, Hourani

Israel, Gordis

Peter the Great, Massie

Napoleon, Roberts

The Guns of August, Tuchman

The World Crisis Vols 1-5, Churchill

The Lords of Finance, Ahamed

Core English

The Birth of Britain, History of the English Speaking Peoples, Churchill

The Age of Revolution, History of the English Speaking Peoples, Churchill

The River War, Churchill

The Boer War, Churchill

Hero of the Empire, Millard

Walter Ralegh, Lacey

Rebellion, Ackroyd

The Anarchy, Dalrymple

Into Africa, Dugard

Core American

The Conquest of Mexico, Prescott

Of Plymouth Plantation, Bradford

France and England in North America, Parkman

The Course of Empire, deVoto

Mayflower, Philbrick,

The Island at the Center of the World, Shorto

Guns, Germs, and Steel, Diamond

American Nations, Woodard

1619 – Jamestown, Horn

Founding Brothers, Ellis

American Creation, Ellis

Undaunted Courage, Ambrose

Battle Cry of Freedom, McPherson

Empire of the Summer Moon, Gwynne

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Morris

Theodore Rex, Morris

Last Call, Okrent

The Five Families, Raab

Primary Prehistory

The Theory of Everything, Hawkins

Fabric of the Universe, Greene

Non Zero, Wright

The Origin of Species, Darwin

Relativity, Einstein

Beak of the Finch, Weiner

Sapiens, Hafari

The Rational Optimist, Ridley

The Moral Animal, Wright

Original Texts

            Iliad, Odyssey, Homer

            The Histories, Herodotus

            Plato Complete Works

            Aristotle, Complete Works

Sophocles, Xenophon

Anabasis – The 10,000, Xenophon

            The Works of Archimedes

            Cicero, Selected Works

            Virgil, Works

            Amianus Marcellenius

            Geography of Claudius Ptolemy

            History of the Franks, Gregory of Tour

            The Digest of Justinian

            Theologica, Thomas Aquinas

The Travels of Marco Polo

The Gutenberg Bible

The Analects of Confucius

            Don Quixote, Cervantes

            The Song of Roland

            Raoul de Camrai

            The Arabian Nights


            Revolutionibus, Copernicus

            Principia Mathematica, Newton

            Dialog Concerning Two Chief World Systems, Galileo

            A Discourse on Method, Descartes

            Of Civil Government, Locke

            A Perpetual Peace, Kant

            The Prince, Machiavelli

            The Wealth of Nations, Smith

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Keynes

            Canterbury Tales, Chaucer

            The Divine Comedy, Dante Aligheri

            Shakespeare Complete Works

            Voyages from Montreal, MacKenzie

            The Southwestern Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike

            A Description of New Netherlands, Van Der Donck

            Debate on the Constitution

            Democracy in America, de Tocqueville

Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche

Nausea, Sartre

The Philosophy of History, Hegel

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